A customer-centric approach is the foundational element of the HCL Software business philosophy and a key component of the HCL Software strategy to drive overall success of the product portfolios. The Client Advocacy Program strives to deliver an interactive approach to customer relationships that compliments existing processes and provides the greatest value and service through strong connections to our product area experts. In other words, working with and understanding our customers is key to everything we do!
A Client Advocate is your direct point of contact, familiar with your environment and product usage. By working closely with you, your Client Advocate:
  • Understands your goals, challenges and business strategies
  • Represents your voice on HCL Software planning sessions and roadmaps
  • Focuses on your success and help you obtain the most value from the product
  • Provides you with knowledge and access to offerings and initiatives
The HCL Client Advocacy Program relationship offers you these opportunities and benefits:
  • Candid discussions of your product usage and deployment successes and challenges
  • Essential feedback with Product Management, Support, Development and Sales
  • Direct interaction with product feature teams according to your needs
  • Proactive communication on product news, updates, and related events/workshops
  • Help with requirements for services engagements or advanced support needs
No. Continue to use existing HCL services and support structure for technical issues and problem resolution. Your Client Advocate can help facilitate if needed.
All our HCL Software product pillars are supported: Automation, Secure DevOps, Data Management, Digital Solutions, Mainframes, Marketing and Commerce.
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You are eligible if you are an HCL Software customer with an active software subscription or an approved HCL Business Partner. Eligible participants can request to join the HCL Client Advocacy program at no additional cost.
The ideal goal would be to meet on a regular cadence with your Client Advocate to build a strong direct relationship that focuses and promotes the success with your products investments. The Client Advocacy program is at the heart of HCL’s philosophy of building “Relationships Beyond the Contract”.

Participation can be:
Monthly, quarterly, yearly, as needed via email
Read-only: You receive newsletters and announcements to keep you informed
No. This is handled by HCL Customer Success Managers and Software Sales/Specialists for HCL Software. Client Advocacy can assist with helping you connect with the appropriate contact if needed.
The HCL Customer Idea Portal is available for handling enhancement requests, via the following link www.hcltechsw.com/wps/portal/resources/submit-idea
HCL Software customers with an active software subscription or an approved HCL Business Partner may enroll here.
Please refer to HCL’s Privacy Policy for details on use of your personal information. By communicating with us for business purposes, you agree to our privacy policy.